Monday, June 04, 2007

Saving Gasoline--Up North

This is how we conserve energy in northern Michigan! When the few weeks of summer take away our snow we put our dog sleds on wheels. I spotted this guy and his dogs this morning on my way to work. He is probably keeping his dogs in shape until the snow comes back in a few weeks. I would guess that he is headed downtown so the dogs can relieve themselves on the parking meters. Wouldn't AlGore be proud of this energy saving mode of transportation?

Saturday, March 03, 2007

FOR SALE: Carbon Credits

I am offering for sale a bunch of Carbon Credits that you can use to offset your use of non-renewable energy. You can apply them to a trip you want to take, electrical use or anything else you choose. I am offering them for the low price of $5,000. If you purchase them I will park my big SUV for one day a week from May through September of this year and walk to work. That will save on gasoline, oil, tires, and carbon pollution that my SUV will spew into the air. I also planted four trees last year and I will throw the Credits for them into the deal at no additional cost! I got the idea last week while watching the Adoration of AlGore at the Oscars. I got goose-bumps when the Faithful of his church rose as One in standing applause. I was going to offer these Credits on Ebay, but I chose to offer them to my faithful readers instead. Grab this deal while you can, because it is first-come-first-served.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I am the Father of Anna Nichole's Baby

Did that get your attention? I am sure that it also got the attention of many people who search the Internet for news about Anna Nichole Smith. She is among the most searched names along with people such as Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton. Many of the people who know the names of those women could not tell you the name of our Secretary of State. That is the sad state of our society. Condoleezza Rice has much more effect on our future than any of the women mentioned. She is also much more intelligent. An hour or so after Anna Nichole's death I mentioned it to a young man. Of course he knew who she was and was shocked. I did not ask him if he knew who our Secretary of State is, but I already know that he probably does not know. He is not alone. Many of our fellow citizens are more concerned about the current events of the Beautiful People in Hollywood than they are about history and the source of our freedom. Sadly, some of them also vote.

Monday, August 14, 2006

You Go Girl!

Few kids her age can accomplish this amazing feat, but Lily proved that it can be done. I am proud to claim her as my great-granddaughter. This is just the first of the many accomplishments she will succeed at in her lifetime. I am sure that life is not boring for her mother and father, who by the way, contribute to her wierd behavior. Grandparents usually carry around cute little pictures of their offspring, but this is the one that I will proudly show to anyone whose attention I can gain. I am now sure that Lily will carry on the well established traditions of her heritage. Another positive advantage of her behavior is that it will keep the boys away from her door for some time to come. Ain't she cute?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Story of the Signs

Driving along Supply Road east of town today, a series of hand-made signs started to appear along side the road, nailed to trees. When I saw the first one that said "Brittan, we miss you," I assumed that Brittan had probably died in an automobile crash on that road. But then a mile or so later, there was another one with a different message, and then another one. Then I noticed they were on both sides of the road. The story of the signs began to come together. Brittan had not died, she was estranged from her parents for some reason. Their relationship had broken down and her frustrated parents were trying to reach her by posting signs along a road they knew she traveled. On the way back, I took pictures of some of them which you see above. The story is a lesson for us to remember. Don't allow the relationship between you and your children to deteriorate until you have to put signs along the road as a last ditch effort to get them back. Treasure this day with your kids. Today you are adding either positive or negative thoughts and actions to their personalities that will remain there tomorrow. You, and they, will reap the harvest--whether good or bad.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mission Accomplished!

During their college years Annie and Aaron got married and added Lily to their lives and hearts. Their determination to finish what they started never let up as they formed their young family. On May 19, 2006 they were graduated from Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly, Missouri. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but they made it look as if it was. Their journey continues and as long as they keep their "can-do" attitudes and those smiles, it will be a fantastic one. For now, they plan to remain in Moberly. You can keep up with their activities at Annie's Blog, which, of course, is mostly about Lily, the sunshine in their lives. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Old Guy in Front of Me

I looked around the crowd and noticed that many of the folks were much younger than me. Some of them looked like teenagers, but I guess they were in their twenties. There were many thirties, forties and some fifties. My salvation was the Old Guy seated in front of me. He was at least ten years older than me, and he had to get up often to go to the bathroom, something that happens to old guys.

I came to this Writer’s Seminar for at least three reasons. First, to learn something. Younger people are always amazed when we over-the-hill people still want to learn stuff. They don’t say it outright, but you can see it in their eyes.

Second, because this was the day of the release of a new book of which I am one of the contributing authors. It’s called People Stories: Inside the Outside. You can buy it at

Third, and maybe most important, I came to see Keith Miller, one of my heroes. He is a best-selling writer who has written many books that have influenced my life. I clutched one of his books, The Taste of New Wine, that I purchased back in 1969, hoping to get him to sign it.

He was supposed to be here, but I couldn’t pick him out. I scanned the crowd of 200 or so people, but no one came close to the picture on the back cover of the book. Disappointed, I laid the book down on the chair next to me and concentrated on the speaker.

The next speaker told us to take a little break to introduce ourselves to the people around us. I wasn’t really in the mood for that, so I just sat there. Then the Old Guy in front of me turned around and stuck out his hand. “Hello, I’m Keith Miller,” he said. After writing in my book, he enthusiastically gave me a brochure describing his latest project. At 78 years, he was beginning a new venture!

That small gesture of this humble Old Guy inspired me as much as his books have. I felt very young for the rest of the day and focused on how I can complete my next dream.

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