Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Story of the Signs

Driving along Supply Road east of town today, a series of hand-made signs started to appear along side the road, nailed to trees. When I saw the first one that said "Brittan, we miss you," I assumed that Brittan had probably died in an automobile crash on that road. But then a mile or so later, there was another one with a different message, and then another one. Then I noticed they were on both sides of the road. The story of the signs began to come together. Brittan had not died, she was estranged from her parents for some reason. Their relationship had broken down and her frustrated parents were trying to reach her by posting signs along a road they knew she traveled. On the way back, I took pictures of some of them which you see above. The story is a lesson for us to remember. Don't allow the relationship between you and your children to deteriorate until you have to put signs along the road as a last ditch effort to get them back. Treasure this day with your kids. Today you are adding either positive or negative thoughts and actions to their personalities that will remain there tomorrow. You, and they, will reap the harvest--whether good or bad.

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