Thursday, January 12, 2006

Does Stuff Like This Only Happen to Me?

Yesterday I had to mail a letter and I only had 37 cent stamps, and no 2's. Since the cost of postage went up I didn't want to take the chance, so I made a trip to the Barlow Street P.O. branch to get some 2's. My first clue that I had a problem was when I had to wait to even get into the parking lot. Inside, there was a huge line of people, most of whom had the same problem as I did. After waiting in line for 10 minutes or so, a friendly, older man appeared from somewhere and asked if we were waiting for 2 cent stamps. Many of us said, "Yes!" He said, "I have some out in my car if you want some." Six of us had the courage (or stupidity) to peel out after him and risk losing our place in line. So there we were, six people in single file following him around to the side of the building. It turned out that he was a rural mail carrier and when he got to his car he pulled out a small metal box. Our little group chuckled as he opened it and took orders. He didn't have many stamps, but he said he could probably take care of our needs for what we wanted to mail today. He also did not have much change. I was last in line and only had bills, so I borrowed 2 cents from the lady in front of me. When I got to him, he did have 20 stamps left so I bought them. When I went back in the P.O. to mail my letter, the lady that I borrowed the 2 cents from was just leaving, so I gave her 2 cents back. Meanwhile all of the other people in line in the P.O. just looked at our little band of six with puzzled eyes. This crazy incident gave me a smile for the rest of the day. As you can see, it does not take much to entertain me.

I'm pretty sure it's a Beaverson thing, passed from generation to generation.
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